It is time again to work on conquering The Incline... approximately a mile straight up the side of a mountain. This hike is short but intense with a pleasant hike down.
Join LMI in hiking the incline on Saturday May 4th. Leave Aurora and carpool down to Manitou Springs at 11am return by 5pm. 1 hour drive time each way and allows for four hours hiking... grab something to eat and head back.
While this hike is only a mile up it actually takes a fair amount of time to do the ascent. It is pretty exposed at times and if it is a clear sunny day the heat can get intense quickly. I suggest bringing a hat, sunscreen, lots of water, layers, and nourishment. The ascent is a lot like climbing about a thousand flights of stairs (I'm not sure it is possible to over exaggerate this one) but offers a pretty great hiker's high once you conquer it.
Leave a comment here if you would like to join us and we will get back to you with more information about meeting and carpooling.