I have been doing CrossFit for 5+ years, and I'd like to think that I'm pretty good at most movements. I train in my own garage gym, without a coach, which means my coach is myself and what I can see in the mirror. Yes, I have mirrors in my gym, if I didn't I wouldn't be able to flex, I mean see what I'm doing :) (at least from a limited point of view). I have been cruising along for some time and decided that I needed more leg work since legs are my weakest point. I had been working legs at least once a week...front squats, back squats, over head squats with what I thought was good form: Chest up, knees out, hip crease below patella...but I could only see from a frontal view. I had a series of tough workouts that really hit the posterior chain hard:
Thurs: OHS 5x3
Fri: 55 C&J @ 135 + 10 Rounds of Cindy
Sat: Run 7mi
Sun: Off
Mon: Lumberjack 20 (Rxd)
Tue: Front Squat 3x5
Tuesday is when my back went out... I went down on my third set, felt a huge pop in my lower back, I stood the weight up, and that's when the pain started. Go figure: I had hit my back hard with OHS, C&J, running and Lumberjack 20...I shouldn't have been front squatting. I later found out that I had popped my SI joint out (where the sacrum attaches to the pelvis), and the only reason I didn't injury any bones or discs was because of my musculature. It was horrible: I couldn't sit, stand, or sleep because of every position hurt! I couldn't understand what had happened, my form looked good (at least from my view), I was doing a relatively light weight (and I hadn't thought about my previous workouts)....
It took a couple of weeks of PT and muscle relaxers to get my back calmed down enough that I could do light leg work in a workout again. Once back in the gym, I mentioned to Steve that I hurt my back during squatting, so he took a look at my squat...right off the bat he knew why things went wrong. I had no hip flexion, my right shoulder was forward, throwing my center of balance forward putting it in front of my toes...it's amazing my back didn't go out years before. I thank Crossfit for a strong back! Not only did my strong secondary muscles save my back, but it held me together for longer than if a non-Crossfitter were doing the same thing. Steve showed me what proper squat form was and when he set me into the correct position I literally fell over because of my inflexible hips! He showed me various mobility I could and how to do squat therapy. The very first day I did this, the pain in my back diminished dramatically!
So fast forward several months...I've been doing squat therapy EVERY workout: hip flexion, various stretching, working against a wall to keep my back up and my butt under me...with PT, I'm mostly pain free and my squatting is dramatically better. I've begun upping weights on my squats, but the most amazing thing is my OH Squats and how having good squat form helps. I worked up to my previous 1RM (that was a major struggle before), and was astounded to find the weight was cake to squat! Now my shoulders couldn't hold much more...but just being able to be STABLE squatting 175# over head was a great feeling!
All in all, it really sucked popping my back out, but it was blessing in disguise: It made me 1) realize I need a coach to check my form occasionally, 2) plan my workouts better and give muscle groups a rest, 3) correct my squat form which had unexpected, yet wonderful results. Bottom line: nobody's form is perfect and we all can use mobility and therapy.
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